
Meet the team.

Our leadership team strives to be humble, Spirit-led, down-to-earth people that you can have a cup of coffee or catch the game with. We want to live in and love on our surrounding communities. We value people of all ages and stages of life. We love multiculturalism and diversity. Our method is to point people to Jesus by teaching the Bible passage by passage and showing how it is relevant to all our lives today. We also foster discipleship (growth in your walk with God) through serving and spending time together in smaller group events.  Our vision is to be a life-giving community serving those in need and celebrating the goodness of Jesus.

Our Staff run the day-to-day operations of the church and its ministries, while our Elder team focuses more on assisting the lead pastor in providing direction, care, and spiritual leadership for the church.


Demetrius Rogers

Demetrius was born in San Bernardino, CA and raised by a devout single mother. At the age of 9, they moved to Auburn, WA. It was while he attended college at Washington State University in Pullman that Demetrius became a devoted follower of Christ. After finishing school he joined the campus outreach staff at his church for the next 10+ years. During that time Demetrius married his sweetheart, Audrey, and started their family. They moved to Vancouver, WA in 2008 so Demetrius could attend Western Seminary in Portland, from which he graduated in 2014 with master’s degrees in Biblical & Theological Studies and Expository Preaching. He completed his Doctor of Ministry in 2023. Demetrius was ordained by the Assemblies of God. Next to the Bible, books, and people in general, his main loves are his family and rooting for the Seattle Seahawks.
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Audrey Rogers

Director of Admin & Operations
& Women's Ministry
The wife of Demetrius, Audrey keeps busy managing the operations involved in the ministry. Audrey grew up mostly in the Northwest, graduated from the University of Idaho, and has worked for churches and non-profits in administrative and coordination roles, managing operations, technology systems, graphic design, human resources, and contracts. She stays busy with their kids, pets, and never-ending creative endeavors! In her spare time, you can catch her reading a book, cooking yummy food, or enjoying (or crafting) a good cup of coffee.
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Robin Miller

Family Life Pastor (Children's Ministries)
A native of the PNW, Robin was a youth ministry intern with Oregon Youth Alive Ministry Academy from 2007-2009, participated and led missions trips with Adventures in Missions (including The World Race), and recently graduated from Warner Pacific with a double major in History and Religion & Biblical Studies. Robin began following Jesus at four years old and has never looked back. In 2013, she married her best friend, Corey. They love their life together with their daughter Bailey and their little terrier-mix, Auggie. Robin also loves all things creative from visual art to film. In her spare time, Robin enjoys drawing and painting, baking, and watching tv/movies. She is passionate about justice and loving our neighbors well.  
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Annika Sullenger

Brendan  League

Ezra Rogers

Director of Music
Director of Youth and Young Adults
Facilities & Grounds
Annika recently earned her Bachelor’s degree in Worship Ministry & Biblical Studies from Trinity Bible College in North Dakota and is a licensed minister with the Assemblies of God. She has a passion for worship and helping people connect with God through music. She and her husband Ben love of Chinese (or any) food, coffee, and exploring the outdoors, and they are right at home in the PNW. Just don’t try to feed her broccoli! On her bucket list: visiting every continent (except Antarctica).
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A native Oregonian and lover of Mexican food and dipping his pizza in ranch (or dipping anything in ranch), Brendan is one of the friendliest guys you'll ever meet. His colorful past coupled with accepting Christ and the forgiveness that comes with doing so gives him a unique ability to relate with those who have walked a darker path. He is not afraid to share Jesus or pray with anyone! He loves to study God's word and share what he's learning; he is also a big C.S. Lewis fan!
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A PNW native (and the middle child of Demetrius & Audrey), Ezra is currently in his first year at the Multnomah campus of Jessup University in Portland, studying Business. When he's not studying he works hard to keep our facilities and grounds clean and trimmed. Ezra loves photography, the Seahawks, Oreos, and Nutella. 

Cade Renken

Ministry Intern
Cade hails from the frozen northern country of Wisconsin but is currently a senior at the Multnomah campus of Jessup University in Portland. He is studying Bible & Theology with a desire to be on the pastoral staff of a church some day. Or a professional soccer player. Whichever comes first. His favorite food is ramen.


Rick Bolesta

Carol Wong

Marci Ellis

Rick is a natural-born teacher. Raised Catholic, he accepted Jesus as his Lord at an Assembly of God church camp in 1970 before marrying Karen in 1971. They moved to Gresham and started attending what was then called Mount Hood Christian Center in 1980, and he has been here ever since! Sadly, we lost Karen to brain disease several years ago. While attending church at “MHCC”, Rick taught at the other MHCC in town – his 40+ year career there has included serving as a Chemistry instructor, department chair of Physical Sciences, and Dean of Science. At the same time, he has spent decades teaching in the church. Rick is a devoted father and grandpa. When he’s not watching a grandkid’s sporting event or traveling the world, you can find him playing guitar, hiking, golfing, or eating bread. Or Italian food. Just don’t try to feed him broccoli. Or any other cruciferous vegetables. They are his kryptonite.
Carol excels at giving, teaching, and helping. She gave her life to Jesus, along with her father at a Billy Graham crusade and has been loving and serving Him ever since! She credits her faith today to having a loving, Bible-believing, faith-filled mother who always had them in church! Carol worked in Education for 36 years, raised her two kids, and is now retired and helping raise her three grandchildren. Married to Jeff Wong for over 40 years, they are both passionate about helping others find freedom in Christ, and watching the Mariners and Seahawks! Someday she hopes to travel to Europe and eat all the Indian roasted lamb shanks she can. Favorite beverage: Sugar Free A&W Root Beer
Marci will be the first to tell you that she has been through a lot in life. A lot of very dark times, and a lot of basking in the light of the Lord times. A defining moment in her life was the death of her son when he was 11. It made her realize that life is a gift and must not be taken for granted. Marci loves Jesus with every fiber of her being and is always ready to share that love with others, especially young people. Her colorful history includes managing a gas station, working in Human Resources, and playing with snakes in the backyard. She loves crafting, volunteering at Snowcap, playing piano, drinking Chai, and making the best salsa this side of the Rio Grande. On her bucket list: an Icelandic cruise!