
Genesis 22-24

Daily Devotional from Genesis 22--

Verse 14
So Abraham called the name of that place, "The Lord will provide"; as it is said to this day, "On the mount of the Lord it shall be provided."

The story of Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his own son - the miracle son that God had promised him - is one we all know well. And there are so many great lessons we can learn from this example of complete trust in God. When I read it this time though, the part that stood out most to me was Abraham's assertion, both before building the altar and after the Lord spared his son, that 'the Lord will provide'.

I think we can get into a rut sometimes of expecting God to provide for our needs and desires before we've given anything up. God asks quite a bit of his followers - to whom much is given, much will be required (Luke 12:48). And He does want to bless us but sometimes I think He waits to see if we will give up our heart's desires to please Him. If we love Him we should obey His commands (John 14:15) and we should be willing to give up the things which are most precious to us, or the dreams we most long for. Indeed, sometimes He does ask us to give something up. But sometimes, He just wants to know if we are really willing to give it up, and then He shows up and provides.

Is there something you are holding onto, something you've been afraid to let go of, that He may be asking you to sacrifice? Take heart, take courage. He can provide more than you can ask or think. Just trust Him. He has your best interest at heart. 

Audrey Rogers

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