Matthew 14
Daily Devotional from Matthew 14--
Verse 30
But when he saw the wind, he was afraid, and beginning to sink he cried out, “Lord, save me.”
In many sermons I’ve heard about this passage, Peter gets a bad rap. But the fact is that Peter was the only one who stepped out in faith. In his encounter with Jesus, he models what we should also do when we are afraid—cry out to Him. Jesus saved Peter immediately and then reprimanded him after.
I’m sure that many of us sometimes are tempted to view Jesus as someone reprimanding us right away when we fear and we doubt. But, the truth is that He’s right there, just waiting for us to reach out our hands and say, “Lord, save me.” We all face scary situations and we all have seasons of doubt, but let’s be reminded that Jesus is right there—arms outstretched.
Today, let’s look to Him in every circumstance.
Annika Sullenger
Verse 30
But when he saw the wind, he was afraid, and beginning to sink he cried out, “Lord, save me.”
In many sermons I’ve heard about this passage, Peter gets a bad rap. But the fact is that Peter was the only one who stepped out in faith. In his encounter with Jesus, he models what we should also do when we are afraid—cry out to Him. Jesus saved Peter immediately and then reprimanded him after.
I’m sure that many of us sometimes are tempted to view Jesus as someone reprimanding us right away when we fear and we doubt. But, the truth is that He’s right there, just waiting for us to reach out our hands and say, “Lord, save me.” We all face scary situations and we all have seasons of doubt, but let’s be reminded that Jesus is right there—arms outstretched.
Today, let’s look to Him in every circumstance.
Annika Sullenger