Genesis 3
Daily Devotional from Genesis 3—
Verses 4-5
But the serpent said to the woman, "You will not surely die. For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."
The first lies, the first deception. The master deceiver was determined to take his rightful place as the bad guy of all. Not even Eve who had walked in the garden with the Almighty God was immune to deception. And Eve, like us, found that knowing good and evil is not always a blessing. And just like Eve, we can easily be deceived and persuaded to make wrong choices causing harm not only to ourselves but to others as well.
Sadly, Eve knew God’s voice. She knew the authentic. How could she be deceived? The same way we are. But God provides an antidote for deception: James wrote, “Resist the devil and he will flee.” It also helps to remember that everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie. So let’s keep the deceiver on the run by submitting to God, standing firm in our faith in Jesus Christ.
Marci Ellis
Verses 4-5
But the serpent said to the woman, "You will not surely die. For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."
The first lies, the first deception. The master deceiver was determined to take his rightful place as the bad guy of all. Not even Eve who had walked in the garden with the Almighty God was immune to deception. And Eve, like us, found that knowing good and evil is not always a blessing. And just like Eve, we can easily be deceived and persuaded to make wrong choices causing harm not only to ourselves but to others as well.
Sadly, Eve knew God’s voice. She knew the authentic. How could she be deceived? The same way we are. But God provides an antidote for deception: James wrote, “Resist the devil and he will flee.” It also helps to remember that everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie. So let’s keep the deceiver on the run by submitting to God, standing firm in our faith in Jesus Christ.
Marci Ellis