
Exodus 10

Daily Devotional from Exodus 10—

Verse 3
How long will you refuse to humble yourself before Me?

Pharaoh was full of pride, so God left him to the natural hardness of his heart. The ancient Egyptians saw Pharaoh as a god, and so he saw himself.

It is not hard to imagine that he said within himself, "Who are these Hebrews? They are my slaves. I have built cities with their unpaid labor and I mean to hold them in captivity. They talk about their God, their 'Jehovah.' Who is Jehovah that I should obey His voice? Let it be a battle of Pharaoh against Jehovah and let it be fought out to the bitter end! I will show these people that I care not for them, or their Prophets, or their God."

That same pride which was so strong in Pharaoh is in our hearts even to this day! We don’t see ourselves as gods, but we still fight with our Maker. There may be now a battle of will between you and God. Oh, that you would look at it with calm and reasonable consideration, for then, I think, you would at once throw down your weapons and beg for peace on Gospel terms—and this would be the happiest hour that you have ever lived!

Adapted from Charles Spurgeon
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