
Genesis 42

Daily Devotional from Genesis 42—

Verse 6
Now Joseph was governor over the land. He was the one who sold to all the people of the land. And Joseph’s brothers came and bowed themselves before him with their faces to the ground.

Before his brothers sold him into slavery, Joseph dreamed they would one day bow before him (Gen. 36:7). When he shared the dream with his brothers, they scoffed and hated him even more. They would never bow before him! But here we see that the prophecy in Joseph’s dream was fulfilled. He became their savior. There is a parallel between Joseph and his brothers who rejected him, and Jesus whose nation rejected him as Savior. There are over 300 fulfilled Old Testament prophecies that support Jesus’ claim to be Messiah.

One of the purposes of this parallel and others, along with fulfilled prophecies is to support our faith that the Bible is God-authored and Jesus is our Savior.

So have faith — believe in Jesus and His teachings! This will uplift you in darkest times and magnify your joy when all is well.

Rick Bolesta

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