
Exodus 11

Daily Devotional from Exodus 11--

Verse 2
Speak now in the hearing of the people, that they ask, every man of his neighbor and every woman of her neighbor, for silver and gold jewelry.

Pharaoh wasn’t going to let the Hebrews go without a fight. In those days when nations warred against each other, they aimed to kill the leaders, destroy the crops, destroy or kill the herds, and finally loot their homes of valuables.

But the Hebrews were in no position to fight as a nation – they were slaves. They had no weapons. So…God fought for them! Literally, He decimated Egypt and even caused the Egyptians to willingly give their gold and silver to the Hebrews on their way out!
We are tempted to fight our own battles sometimes but look how much more complete the battle is won when we let God fight for us! Trust Him to right your wrongs, let Him get the vengeance. You just follow Jesus’ teachings: forgive the offender, walk in uprightness, and trust in God.

Audrey Rogers
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