Genesis 22
Daily Devotional from Genesis 22--
Verse 14
So Abraham called the name of that place, "The Lord will provide"; as it is said to this day, "On the mount of the Lord it shall be provided."
Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his own son - the miracle son that God had promised him – is an example of complete trust in God.
Sometimes God asks us to go somewhere we don’t know, or do something that seems scary, or give up something that we love. I think sometimes God wants to know if we are willing to lay down our lives, desires, or plans in order to obey Him, and sometimes He has a better plan in store for us than we have for ourselves.
What might God be asking you to give up, for a time, or for good? Be strong and courageous, and have faith to obey, and then watch and see what miracle He will provide in your life in response to your faith!
Audrey Rogers
Verse 14
So Abraham called the name of that place, "The Lord will provide"; as it is said to this day, "On the mount of the Lord it shall be provided."
Abraham's willingness to sacrifice his own son - the miracle son that God had promised him – is an example of complete trust in God.
Sometimes God asks us to go somewhere we don’t know, or do something that seems scary, or give up something that we love. I think sometimes God wants to know if we are willing to lay down our lives, desires, or plans in order to obey Him, and sometimes He has a better plan in store for us than we have for ourselves.
What might God be asking you to give up, for a time, or for good? Be strong and courageous, and have faith to obey, and then watch and see what miracle He will provide in your life in response to your faith!
Audrey Rogers