Exodus 1-3
Daily Devotional from Exodus 3--
Verse 11:
But Moses said to God, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?”
I remember the day I felt the Holy Spirit speak to me about pursuing worship ministry. I was afraid, and I didn’t feel well equipped for the task. Moses was being called to do something great and scary. He also did not feel equipped, although God had always protected and provided for him. I love that God promised Moses that He would be with him.
God promises the same for us. Sometimes when the Holy Spirit is prompting us to take a certain path, share the Gospel with someone, or give a certain amount to a missionary we don’t act because we feel afraid or ill equipped. But God promises to be there with us in the moments we chase His calling.
What is the Holy Spirit is speaking to you this week? What is one faith-step you can take towards that prompting? God is faithful to us when we step out - I’ve seen it in my own life. Remember who is sending you today—the Great I Am.
Annika Sullenger
Verse 11:
But Moses said to God, “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?”
I remember the day I felt the Holy Spirit speak to me about pursuing worship ministry. I was afraid, and I didn’t feel well equipped for the task. Moses was being called to do something great and scary. He also did not feel equipped, although God had always protected and provided for him. I love that God promised Moses that He would be with him.
God promises the same for us. Sometimes when the Holy Spirit is prompting us to take a certain path, share the Gospel with someone, or give a certain amount to a missionary we don’t act because we feel afraid or ill equipped. But God promises to be there with us in the moments we chase His calling.
What is the Holy Spirit is speaking to you this week? What is one faith-step you can take towards that prompting? God is faithful to us when we step out - I’ve seen it in my own life. Remember who is sending you today—the Great I Am.
Annika Sullenger