
1 Timothy 6

Daily Devotional from 1 Timothy 6--

Verse 15b
… he who is the blessed and only Sovereign, the King of kings and Lord of Lords.
In this verse Paul is emphasizing the greatness of God.

Throughout time, there have been kings and lords - some good and others tyrants.
Some have gained their titles by birthright, others by battle or deception or murder - but not our benevolent King, who created the heavens and the earth and all its inhabitants! He is King of kings by default.

What does it mean to be King of kings and Lord of lords? Is it about making laws and being the most powerful and richest of all?

It is, but it is so much more. It is about love. It is about the Son giving His life as a sacrifice to pay the penalty of sin for all mankind. It is about providing us directions for living a holy, meaningful, purposeful life helping those in need. It is about leaving a Helper to give us power and direction.

Rick Bolesta


