Nehemiah 9-11
Daily Devotional from Nehemiah 10—
Verse 39b
We will not neglect the house of our God.
When the Israelites returned from Babylon after 70 years in exile, they read God’s law (the first five books of the Bible) to be reminded of how God expected them to live and behave as His chosen people. They were grieved to find out just how poorly their forefathers had measured up.
In order to avoid another exile, they committed to following God’s law and taking care of the temple. God’s house today is not a physical location, rather he indwells the hearts of his followers. But we are no less responsible to care for his “house.” Hebrews 10:25 shares one way we are to do this: “Let us not neglect our meeting together, as some do, but encourage one another...” We all have times when we can give, and when we need to receive. Praise God for the ability to gather freely, and make a choice to gather with a church family this weekend!
Audrey Rogers
Verse 39b
We will not neglect the house of our God.
When the Israelites returned from Babylon after 70 years in exile, they read God’s law (the first five books of the Bible) to be reminded of how God expected them to live and behave as His chosen people. They were grieved to find out just how poorly their forefathers had measured up.
In order to avoid another exile, they committed to following God’s law and taking care of the temple. God’s house today is not a physical location, rather he indwells the hearts of his followers. But we are no less responsible to care for his “house.” Hebrews 10:25 shares one way we are to do this: “Let us not neglect our meeting together, as some do, but encourage one another...” We all have times when we can give, and when we need to receive. Praise God for the ability to gather freely, and make a choice to gather with a church family this weekend!
Audrey Rogers