1 Chronicles 21-22
Daily Devotional from 1 Chronicles 22--
Verse 19a (AMP)
Now set your heart and your soul to seek (inquire of, require as your vital necessity) the Lord your God…
David fell into sin and was met with both judgement and mercy from God, which made him want to build God a permanent house—a temple that was beyond comparison. But the bloodshed and war under his kingship made him unfit to build God’s house—even as a man after God’s own heart. So David planned, and Solomon was charged with this great task of worship.
Solomon was encouraged to be intentional about seeking God with all his heart and mind. It wasn’t going to come easy just because it was prophesied that it would happen—he still had to be intentional so that his heart would stay connected with God’s. And we know from 1 Kings that he became disconnected and all of Israel fell away.
We need to determine whether or not our hearts and minds will be connected with Jesus. We need to see Jesus as a vital necessity—seeking his wisdom and counsel in all areas of our life. Set it in your soul to follow Jesus and don’t turn away to the right or left—but follow in the steps of our king.
Robin Miller
Verse 19a (AMP)
Now set your heart and your soul to seek (inquire of, require as your vital necessity) the Lord your God…
David fell into sin and was met with both judgement and mercy from God, which made him want to build God a permanent house—a temple that was beyond comparison. But the bloodshed and war under his kingship made him unfit to build God’s house—even as a man after God’s own heart. So David planned, and Solomon was charged with this great task of worship.
Solomon was encouraged to be intentional about seeking God with all his heart and mind. It wasn’t going to come easy just because it was prophesied that it would happen—he still had to be intentional so that his heart would stay connected with God’s. And we know from 1 Kings that he became disconnected and all of Israel fell away.
We need to determine whether or not our hearts and minds will be connected with Jesus. We need to see Jesus as a vital necessity—seeking his wisdom and counsel in all areas of our life. Set it in your soul to follow Jesus and don’t turn away to the right or left—but follow in the steps of our king.
Robin Miller