Nehemiah 3-5
on July 29th, 2023
Daily Devotional from Nehemiah 5--Verse 11Return to them this very day their fields, their vineyards, their olive orchards, and their houses, and the percentage of money, grain, wine, and oil that you have been exacting from them.God cares about those in need. In Chapter 5 we see that many needy Israelites were being taken advantage of by their own people! Nehemiah was extremely troubled by this, ... Read More
Nehemiah 1-2
on July 28th, 2023
Daily Devotional from Nehemiah 2— Verses 4-5Then the king said to me, “What are you requesting?” So I prayed to the God of heaven. And I said to the king, “If it pleases the king, and if your servant has found favor in your sight, that you send me to Judah, to the city of my fathers' graves, that I may rebuild it.”I love this, before he responded to the king he prayed to God. Do you ever have thos... Read More
Ezra 9-10
on July 27th, 2023
Daily Devotional from Ezra 10—Verses 5-7aAt the evening offering, I got up from my time of humiliation, with my tunic and robe torn. Then I fell on my knees and spread out my hands to the Lord my God. And I said:My God, I am ashamed and embarrassed to lift my face toward you, my God, because our iniquities are higher than our heads and our guilt is as high as the heavens. Our guilt has been terrib... Read More
Ezra 6-8
on July 26th, 2023
Daily Devotional from Ezra 8—Verse 22For I was ashamed to ask the king for a band of soldiers and horsemen to protect us against the enemy on our way, since we had told the king, “The hand of our God is for good on all who seek him, and the power of his wrath is against all who forsake him.”Darius, king of Persia, obeying an edict made by a former king, tasked Ezra to lead willing Israelites back ... Read More
Ezra 2-5
on July 25th, 2023
Daily Devotional from Ezra 4—Verse 4Then the people of the land discouraged the people of Judah and made them afraid to build…When God directs his people to do a work for him, there are often detractors, hold-ups, bumps in the road, and all manner of distractions to discourage us from completing the work. But perseverance is built when you have to work against forces that are working against you. ... Read More
2 Chron 36 - Ezra 1
on July 24th, 2023
Daily Devotional from 2 Chronicles 36--Verse 15The Lord, the God of their fathers, sent persistently to them by his messengers, because he had compassion on his people. It’s interesting that the Lord should even use messengers. I mean he can take care of it himself, but often doesn’t. He sends other people to get the message through. And I can’t tell you how many times the Lord has sent his messen... Read More
2 Chronicles 34-35
on July 22nd, 2023
Daily Devotional from 2 Chronicles 34-- Verse 26b-27Thus says the LORD…because your heart was tender and you humbled yourself before God when you heard his words against this place and its inhabitants, and you have humbled yourself before me and have torn your clothes and wept before me, I also have heard you, declares the LORD. Josiah was a very young king, but he deeply desired to honor God. Eve... Read More
2 Chronicles 32-33
on July 21st, 2023
Daily Devotional from 2 Chronicles 32--Verses 25-26But Hezekiah did not make return according to the benefit done to him, for his heart was proud. Therefore wrath came upon him and Judah and Jerusalem. But Hezekiah humbled himself for the pride of his heart, both he and the inhabitants of Jerusalem, so that the wrath of the Lord did not come upon them in the days of Hezekiah.Even though king Hezek... Read More
2 Chronicles 30-31
on July 20th, 2023
Daily Devotional from 2 Chronicles 30--Verses 18-20A large number of the people...were ritually unclean, yet they had eaten the Passover contrary to what was written. But Hezekiah had interceded for them, saying, “May the good Lord provide atonement on behalf of whoever sets his whole heart on seeking God, the Lord, the God of his ancestors, even though not according to the purification rules of t... Read More
2 Chronicles 28-29
on July 19th, 2023
Daily Devotional from 2 Chronicles 28--Verse 10And now you intend to subjugate the people of Judah and Jerusalem, male and female, as your slaves. Have you not sins of your own against the Lord your God?Because of their idol worship, God allowed judgment to come upon the kingdom of Judah. The Syrian king and his forces and even the kingdom of Israel came against the kingdom of Judah. They defeated... Read More
2 Chronicles 26-27
on July 17th, 2023
Daily Devotional from 2 Chronicles 27—Verse 6So Jotham became mighty, because he ordered his ways before the Lord his God.To order our ways can speak of organizing our priorities. Our priorities will determine how we live our life, and the things that are most important to us will be evident by the way we spend our time and money. When I was in college, learning how to ‘adult’, I never had enough ... Read More
2 Chronicles 24-25
on July 17th, 2023
Daily Devotional from 2 Chronicles 25--Verse 9The Lord is able to give you much more than this.But Lord, these illegal drugs are worth so much money, and now you’re asking me to flush them down the toilet? But Lord, I’ve already put two years into this degree, and now you’re calling me in a new direction? But Lord, we’ve already given our tithes this month, and now you’re prompting us to give anot... Read More