Matthew 19
Matthew 19:14
Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.
If we’re not careful, we can become like the disciples. They got a little impatient and testy with kids. Because kids are great at ruining a serious moment, and, as you know, spiritual matters are serious business. The disciples were trying to guard the moment and remove distractions.
“Can you get these kids out of here?” “Can’t you see we’re trying hold a meeting?”
Have you ever had similar thoughts at church or, let’s say, a Bible Study? I think we all have. But, in such cases, I think we have missed the heart of Jesus. According to him, little kids are not distractions. They are little people with needs and feelings. They are more observant than we know, more intelligent than we think, and much less prone to resist than many of us curmudgeons. So, as Jesus says, do not hinder them. Kids are our future. Do not guard the space from them; guard the space for them. They do not belong on the edge, but in the center of the kingdom of heaven.
Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.
If we’re not careful, we can become like the disciples. They got a little impatient and testy with kids. Because kids are great at ruining a serious moment, and, as you know, spiritual matters are serious business. The disciples were trying to guard the moment and remove distractions.
“Can you get these kids out of here?” “Can’t you see we’re trying hold a meeting?”
Have you ever had similar thoughts at church or, let’s say, a Bible Study? I think we all have. But, in such cases, I think we have missed the heart of Jesus. According to him, little kids are not distractions. They are little people with needs and feelings. They are more observant than we know, more intelligent than we think, and much less prone to resist than many of us curmudgeons. So, as Jesus says, do not hinder them. Kids are our future. Do not guard the space from them; guard the space for them. They do not belong on the edge, but in the center of the kingdom of heaven.