Matthew 28
Matthew 28:5
Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here, for he has risen.
What?!! Who is this strange man? White and shining as the sun? And what does he mean: ‘He is risen’? We saw his body go in. We saw the men roll the great stone against the mouth of the tomb. He is risen? Can it be? Oh, that would be just like Jesus! Wait until Peter and the rest hear about this! But what if they don’t believe? They will have to believe! Let us go at once and tell them!
And, all of a sudden, “Greetings!”
Jesus is risen! And, amid all your questions, he’s still making appearances today.
Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here, for he has risen.
What?!! Who is this strange man? White and shining as the sun? And what does he mean: ‘He is risen’? We saw his body go in. We saw the men roll the great stone against the mouth of the tomb. He is risen? Can it be? Oh, that would be just like Jesus! Wait until Peter and the rest hear about this! But what if they don’t believe? They will have to believe! Let us go at once and tell them!
And, all of a sudden, “Greetings!”
Jesus is risen! And, amid all your questions, he’s still making appearances today.