Mark 4
Mark 4:38
But he was in the stern, asleep on the cushion.
The waves were beating against the boat, the water was filling the vessel, and his disciples were freaking out. This was it. They were going to die. Yet, there was Jesus, sound asleep on a pillow.
I want that kind of peace. I want that kind of confidence. I want that kind of faith. When everything is breaking apart, I’m asleep because I know my God is able. And given Jesus’s response in verse 40, you know this is his desire for us as well. So, the next time the waves crash, go get yourself a pillow and lay right next to Jesus. If he’s not worried, then you don’t have to be either.
But he was in the stern, asleep on the cushion.
The waves were beating against the boat, the water was filling the vessel, and his disciples were freaking out. This was it. They were going to die. Yet, there was Jesus, sound asleep on a pillow.
I want that kind of peace. I want that kind of confidence. I want that kind of faith. When everything is breaking apart, I’m asleep because I know my God is able. And given Jesus’s response in verse 40, you know this is his desire for us as well. So, the next time the waves crash, go get yourself a pillow and lay right next to Jesus. If he’s not worried, then you don’t have to be either.