
John 12

John 12:24
Unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.

The principles of Jesus are often counterintuitive—
You want to live? Die.
You want to win? Lose.
You want to receive? Give.
You want to rise? Sink.
You want to be great? Be small.
You want to be first? Be last.
You want to be strong? Be weak.
You want to be wise? Be my fool.
You want to be free? Be my slave.
You want to find rest? Take my yoke.
You want to save your life? Lose it.
You want to store up treasure? Give it away.
His ways are not our ways. His thoughts are not our thoughts. So, don’t do what comes natural. Look to Jesus, and trust him, even when his ways seem unreasonable.
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