John 15
John 15:5
Every branch in me that does not bear fruit he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit.
If you want to be a fruitful Christian the gardener will undoubtedly bring pain. It might be the pain of pruning, it might even be the pain of removal, but it comes to make the tree better. This is called addition by subtraction. If you want more tomorrow, that might mean less today. Will you trust him?
I’m sure you’ve seen a tree that’s been pruned or cut back to a nub. Doesn’t look quite right. And it might even seem like the gardener went too far. But if you will trust him in the pain, and abide in the vine, you will be pleasantly surprised when the buds of spring adorn the branches once again.
Every branch in me that does not bear fruit he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit.
If you want to be a fruitful Christian the gardener will undoubtedly bring pain. It might be the pain of pruning, it might even be the pain of removal, but it comes to make the tree better. This is called addition by subtraction. If you want more tomorrow, that might mean less today. Will you trust him?
I’m sure you’ve seen a tree that’s been pruned or cut back to a nub. Doesn’t look quite right. And it might even seem like the gardener went too far. But if you will trust him in the pain, and abide in the vine, you will be pleasantly surprised when the buds of spring adorn the branches once again.