
Romans 16

Romans 16:19
I want you to be wise as to what is good and innocent as to what is evil.

Innocent is typically not a way we like to be described. It suggests we are inexperienced and/or naïve. However, in this case, that is the description of a blessed life. Paul commences this great letter with a clear instruction to the saints: be innocent. In other words, be unaware, uncouth, and uncultured concerning the evil of this age.  
I don’t know about you, but I don’t like to be unaware. But sometimes, as a Christian, you’re gonna be out of the loop. The world is amazed you aren’t “up on this” or “into that.” but there is a blessing in maintaining your innocence. Guard it, keep it, love it. It is saving your life. Don't let your white garments be soiled. Worldly knowledge will only desecrate you and drive you from the garden. Knowledge is burden. And, in this case, ignorance is truly bliss.
But Paul also instructs us to be wise! Be a person marked with a deep and profound insight. Have keen discernment. Be a sage when it comes to the kingdom of God. Be as “the children of Issachar who had an understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do.” (1 Chronicles 12:32a)
What benefit is found in this simple and clear instruction. It's God's ideal for living a blessed life. Let's be careful not to get our roles reversed. We are the redeemed, which means we are deeply wise and grossly unaware.
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