
1 John 4

1 John 4:18
There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love.

Being afraid of someone is not a very loving thing to do. Think about that. We don’t typically equate being intimidated with being unloving, but that’s exactly what it is. If you are afraid of your neighbor because he is gruff or your boss because she is unkind, you’re generally not thinking of them, you’re thinking about yourself. Sometimes that’s a good thing because it will keep you from the wrong people. But there may be times you are called to change the atmosphere. And if you want to drive the fear out, then you will need to move towards the person in love. Love doesn’t shrink back, and love doesn’t lie down. Do yourself and them a favor and change your perspective. Instead of viewing them as the object of your fear, try to make them the target of your love and see what happens in your heart and theirs. A miracle may just be around the corner.
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