
Deuteronomy 24-25

Daily Devotional from Deuteronomy 24--

Verse 16
Fathers shall not be put to death because of their children, nor shall children be put to death because of their fathers. Each one shall be put to death for his own sin.

Have you ever thought an outcome was not fair? Perhaps you were punished too harshly for a wrong you committed, or perhaps you weren’t punished at all when you truly deserved to be.

Our verse for today sounds fair. Each person is responsible for their own sin.

God’s judgments are fair - except when it comes to Jesus.

Because of His great love for us, the Father placed the responsibility for our sin (past, present and future) on the shoulders of His Son. Sinless Jesus was put to death for our sin. How unfair! But it was the only way our relationship with the perfect God could be restored. It was the one and only way it could be done. If there was any other way that would allow His Son could be spared, He would have done it. So unfair to Jesus. So loving and graceful to us!

Rick Bolesta
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