
2 Samuel 1

Daily Devotional from 2 Samuel 1--

Verse 14
David said to him, “How is it you were not afraid to put out your hand to destroy the Lord’s anointed?”

It always amazes me that David had so much respect for King Saul, in spite of the king’s many attempts on his life. In the verse above, we see a clue to David’s perspective. He respected Saul’s position as the Lord’s anointed.

Sometimes we are required to submit to an unjust employer, or to a government leader with whom we disagree. Sometimes a soldier has to obey and even show respect by saluting a verbally abusive officer. This is made easier if the soldier salutes the officer’s position, not his character.

God established government to provide order and to benefit people (see Romans 13). We are to respect God-instituted authority and obey it, unless it goes against God’s commands. To do otherwise would have each of us doing what is right in our own eyes, and because of our great diversity, lead to chaos.

One day the King of Kings will return and all injustice will disappear!

Rick Bolesta

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