
2 Kings 4-5

Daily Devotional from 2 Kings 5--

Verse 11
Behold, I thought that he would…wave his hand over the place and cure the leper.
Naaman was told to wash in the Jordan seven times. But that was a little disappointing. He thought the process was going to be quick and easy. With just a wave of his hand God could make things better. And Naaman thought he deserved better treatment than this. After all, he’d already went to a lot of trouble.
The problem with Naaman was his pride, and it made him not want to submit to the process.
Why can’t I have a more important job or gain more recognition? you might wonder. Why can’t I secure better treatment or experience quicker results? Why must I wash in the Jordan? Sometimes our pride gets the best of us. But let Naaman’s story remind you that God’s commitment to you runs deeper than merely providing easy routes and instant results.
So, if you’ve been called to jump in the Jordan, take the plunge, and let God complete his work in you.

Demetrius Rogers
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