
2 Chronicles 6-7

Daily Devotional from 2 Chronicles 7--

Verse 1 (CSB)
When Solomon finished praying, fire descended from heaven and consumed the burnt offering and the sacrifices, and the glory of the Lord filled the temple. 

There are three significant moments when fire descended from Heaven as approval from the Lord for his dwelling place: At the Tabernacle (Leviticus 9:24), The dedication of the temple (this instance), and at Pentecost on the followers of Jesus in Acts 2.

Solomon had built a beautiful place for God to dwell. It was full of splendor and majesty -- in the center of Israeli life. God approved of living among the people and made it known throughout the land.
God’s place to dwell is now in us. We are his temple. He does not reside in a building or structure, but in our very being. His fire of approval was sent on us when we accepted Jesus and let the Holy Spirit lead our lives. Wherever we go, we take the Lord with us. We are his temple and bring his presence into the lives of those around us.

You are approved by God. Not by anything you have done, but by the grace, mercy and power of Jesus. Isn’t that just the best news?
How will this news challenge you to live differently today?

Robin Miller

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