
2 Chronicles 10-11

Daily Devotional from 2 Chronicles 10--

Verse 8
But he abandoned the counsel that the old men gave him, and took counsel with the young men who had grown up with him and stood before him.

Rehoboam ignored the elders and instead decided to listen to his young friends. This fulfilled God’s promise to make Jeroboam a king of Israel, but what would have happened if Rehoboam had dealt peacefully with Israel? Perhaps the kingdom would have remained united.

The longer a person has lived, the more mistakes they have made. But the more wisdom they have also gained. A younger advisor may not have gained as much wisdom, but they may know us best. Seeking out wisdom from those around us is wise, and giving an ear to all kinds of people—older and younger alike can benefit our decision-making. Above everything, we should seek God’s wisdom first, which we get from His word and the nudges of the Holy Spirit.

Annika Sullenger
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