
Job 1-3

Daily Devotional from Job 1--

Verse 20
Then Job arose and tore his robe and shaved his head and fell on the ground and worshipped.

What is your response when hardship comes your way?

Job could have reacted in a ton of different ways, but he chose to humble himself and worship God—blessing His name. This doesn’t mean Job didn’t mourn, in fact tearing his clothes and shaving his head would have been a culturally significant way for him to humble himself and show he was deeply lamenting what had happened.

Worship helps us when we are facing difficult situations. By deciding to remind ourselves of the truths of God’s character through the reading of the Word, prayer, and song we reframe the way we approach our situation. We find peace, hope, and strength from the Holy Spirit to help us face the difficult things we are going through.

Today, if you’re facing something challenging, find some time to worship God through your situation by blessing His name, lamenting (being honest with God about how you feel), and worshipping in song!

Annika Sullenger
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