
Job 10-12

Daily Devotional from Job 10--

Verse 2
I will say to God, Do not condemn me; let me know why you contend against me.

Job wants to know why bad things are happening to him, in spite of his lifestyle of righteousness. And he wants it to stop.

His friends believe he must have sinned but has forgotten. Thus this judgment has come upon him, and he deserves it.

We know that in life bad things happen to “good” people, and good things happen to “bad” people. This doesn’t seem right to us. David complained about this very thing (Psalm 73). 

But we also know from Scripture that God loves us. He is all-knowing and we are not. This seeming injustice is temporary; God will make it right in the end. We need to trust Him. He has a good plan. And if He allows hardship, He has a good reason - even though He may not tell us what it is.

Rick Bolesta
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