Isaiah 4-6
Daily Devotional from Isaiah 6--
Verse 3
And one called to another and said: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory!””
In the presence of angels worshiping the Lord of hosts, Isaiah felt unworthy to join because of his unclean lips. How could the lips of a sinner be used to offer praise to a Holy God? God saw his predicament and sent an angel with a burning coal to remove his iniquity and forgive his sins.
God did the same for us, not with a burning coal, but through the sacrifice of Jesus.
When we become believers, our sins are forgiven and we are seen as righteous in God’s eyes. We can freely approach our Holy God as His children, ask for his help in time of need, and with clean lips offer thanksgiving, praise, and worship. He has made us worthy.
Oh, how great is His mercy and grace!
Don’t wait until Sunday to worship Him.
Rick Bolesta
Verse 3
And one called to another and said: “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord of hosts; the whole earth is full of his glory!””
In the presence of angels worshiping the Lord of hosts, Isaiah felt unworthy to join because of his unclean lips. How could the lips of a sinner be used to offer praise to a Holy God? God saw his predicament and sent an angel with a burning coal to remove his iniquity and forgive his sins.
God did the same for us, not with a burning coal, but through the sacrifice of Jesus.
When we become believers, our sins are forgiven and we are seen as righteous in God’s eyes. We can freely approach our Holy God as His children, ask for his help in time of need, and with clean lips offer thanksgiving, praise, and worship. He has made us worthy.
Oh, how great is His mercy and grace!
Don’t wait until Sunday to worship Him.
Rick Bolesta