Isaiah 10-12
Daily Devotional from Isaiah 12--
Verse 2
“Behold, God is my salvation; I will trust, and will not be afraid; for the Lord God is my strength and my song, and he has become my salvation.”
Isn’t that incredible God doesn’t just give us salvation; He actually is our salvation. He doesn’t just give us strength He is our strength. He is the reason for our singing. He is our song and our worship wouldn’t be so without Him. It makes a significant difference when you understand God actually is these things He doesn’t just give us these things. He is the beginning and the end of them for us.
How can it change your day-to-day seeing it this way? Having the Spirit of God in us we have unlimited access to God. I hope this encourages you today and shifts your mind to be empowered with God as your strength, song and salvation today. Trust and do not be afraid!
Brendan League