
Isaiah 41-42

Daily Devotional from Isaiah 42—

Verse 1
Behold my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen, in whom my soul delights; I have put my Spirit upon him; he will bring forth justice to the nations.

What an incredible prophecy. When I read the Bible, I am blown away by the number of prophecies in it. Many prophecies are hundreds and some over a thousand years older than Jesus. The book of Isaiah was written about 700 years before Jesus’ coming. But this says “My servant in whom my soul delights.” In Matthew 3:17, after Jesus is baptized by John, a voice comes from heaven saying “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.”

Isaiah was prophesying about Jesus and Jesus did exactly what the prophecy said: He brought about justice to the nations. Jesus died and fulfilled all the prophecies, Jesus died so that if you believe in Him, you will be on good ground when the final judgement comes. God’s justice means when we believe in Him, we don’t get what we deserve.

So be blessed today and know you are covered because Jesus already took what you deserved!!

Brendan League
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