
Ezekiel 33-34

Daily Devotional from Ezekiel 34—

Verse 23
And I will set up over them one shepherd, my servant David, and he shall feed them: he shall feed them and be their shepherd.

Oh this is beautiful! Do you know who God is talking about? “My servant David” – King David had already lived and died but this is referring to the promised heir of David – none other than Jesus! Isn’t it a funny coincidence that this verse (23) is the culmination of a detailed shepherd & sheep analogy in Ezekiel, which perfectly reflects Psalm 23, David’s poem about how the Lord is his shepherd?!

Today, Jesus is OUR shepherd. When we keep close to Him, He watches and prays over us, protects us from spiritual predators, feeds us Bread of Life, gives us deep rest and peace for our souls, and refreshes us with eternal Living Water. What a loving God we serve!

Audrey Rogers
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