Daniel 4-6
Daily Devotional from Daniel 6—
Verse 16
Then the king commanded, and Daniel was brought and cast into the den of lions. The king declared to Daniel, “May your God, whom you serve continually, deliver you!”
Daniel came out from the den of lions completely unharmed because he trusted in God. But what I really find interesting here is King Darius’ words when Daniel was thrown into the den. They seem to imply a bit of faith. He’s hoping Daniel’s God would deliver him. The King then stayed up all night and ate nothing then ran back to see if Daniel is okay. And God showed up, didn’t He!? When God shows up, nobody can deny His might and authority.
Praise God that he delivers us. Maybe you feel like you’re in the lion's den. Life is tough and you're surrounded by fanged and clawed animals, hungry beasts, but don’t worry: you know the great deliverer. Trust him and you will get through it, no matter the circumstance. In the end it will all work out for good.
Brendan League
Verse 16
Then the king commanded, and Daniel was brought and cast into the den of lions. The king declared to Daniel, “May your God, whom you serve continually, deliver you!”
Daniel came out from the den of lions completely unharmed because he trusted in God. But what I really find interesting here is King Darius’ words when Daniel was thrown into the den. They seem to imply a bit of faith. He’s hoping Daniel’s God would deliver him. The King then stayed up all night and ate nothing then ran back to see if Daniel is okay. And God showed up, didn’t He!? When God shows up, nobody can deny His might and authority.
Praise God that he delivers us. Maybe you feel like you’re in the lion's den. Life is tough and you're surrounded by fanged and clawed animals, hungry beasts, but don’t worry: you know the great deliverer. Trust him and you will get through it, no matter the circumstance. In the end it will all work out for good.
Brendan League