
Matthew 18

Daily Devotional from Matthew 18--

Verses 19-20
Again I say to you, if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.

You might be familiar with this passage, but have you taken it to heart? If we can unite together with desires to see God’s Kingdom come, we’ll see souls saved, churches planted, families reconciled, and so much more.

Let’s ask for laborers and for miracles, God will answer us! The living God is there when just two or three are gathered in His name - so picture 50, 100, 300 people united together in prayer. God wants to do amazing things and He wants us to partner with Him to make it happen! Let us ask the Holy Spirit to search our hearts and point out any disease in our hearts. Then we can each walk in the Spirit, forgive others, and draw closer to our Father. Let’s take God at His Word that if we ask, it will be done for us!

Brendan League
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