
Matthew 24

Daily Devotional from Matthew 24--

Verse 31
And he will send out his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.
How do you feel when you read passages about Jesus’s return, and the time before that happens? As a child, I was always afraid. My parents would have gone on a walk and my immediate response was, “Oh no! They’ve been raptured and I was left behind!”
As I grew older and confident in my salvation, I realized that the Day of the Lord is something we have to be excited about. He is returning for us and He’s going to set everything right! We can all look around and see the brokenness our world is in, but we have hope that, on that day, it’s all going to be made right. That is why we share the Gospel with urgency—we want to make sure people have the hope that Christ brings to get through the hardships of life now, and to be with Him forever when He returns…
…And what a glorious day it will be!
Annika Sullenger
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