
Luke 4

Daily Devotional from Luke 4--

Verse 4
The devil said to him, “If you are the Son of God, command this stone to become bread.” And Jesus answered him, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone.’”

Jesus went 40 days without food and when the devil tried to tempt Him, Jesus knew that God’s Word is nourishment, even more than physical food. Of course, we have to eat, but because Jesus knew the Word, he knew how to respond to the devil.

If we can grasp that truth that we need the Word for sustenance, it will change us! If we eat daily from God’s Word, continually hear from Him, it will equip us to resist temptation and it will impact the people around us. It may start out a little difficult and you’ll have to push through, but you will grow to love God’s Word. It’s like coffee, who likes black coffee upon the first drink? But you learn to love it. So, eat up: get into God’s Word and allow God to be the loudest voice in your life.

Brendan League
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