
Psalm 112

Daily Devotional from Psalm 112—

Verse 1
Praise the Lord! Blessed is the man who fears the Lord, who greatly delights in his commandments!

Now read verses 2-9: don’t you want that to be you? I do! What a list of ways we can be blessed! Up, down, left, right, inside and out! How can we live the blessed life described in these verses? By fulfilling Verse 1.

But notice the verb – “delights” – not “obeys” – blessed is the one who “delights” in God’s commandments. Just obeying the rules can lead quickly to legalism or a works-mentality (thinking we can earn our way to heaven through good works). But God blesses the lives of those who absolutely LOVE following His rules. Doing His will.

Have you felt any nudges to start walking more in a way that brings joy to God? Is there an area of your life you haven’t fully submitted to Him? Pray that He will help you to DELIGHT in obeying Him. He will do it! Then watch out for His blessings!

Audrey Rogers
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