Proverb 9
Daily Devotional from Proverb 9—
Verses 7-8
Whoever corrects a scoffer gets himself abuse, and he who reproves a wicked man incurs injury. Do not reprove a scoffer, or he will hate you; reprove a wise man and he will love you.
Nowhere is this more obvious today than on social media. Scoffers are those who consider their opinion to be the right opinion, and they love putting others down. I saw a sticker recently that illustrated this: “Masks don’t work and you look stupid.” Regardless of the issue, or which side of the issue they are on, that’s the attitude of a scoffer.
If we try to correct people who are stuck in a scoffing attitude, we will only get abuse and injury. You’ve seen people on social media getting into a word war, trying to convince someone that they are wrong. It does not work.
Let’s be wise and consider that we are really unwise. Let’s see opinion for what it is, recognize that everyone has one, and love people despite differing opinions. Our mission is not to correct what we consider ‘wrong’ opinions, but to love people, opinions and all.
Audrey Rogers
Verses 7-8
Whoever corrects a scoffer gets himself abuse, and he who reproves a wicked man incurs injury. Do not reprove a scoffer, or he will hate you; reprove a wise man and he will love you.
Nowhere is this more obvious today than on social media. Scoffers are those who consider their opinion to be the right opinion, and they love putting others down. I saw a sticker recently that illustrated this: “Masks don’t work and you look stupid.” Regardless of the issue, or which side of the issue they are on, that’s the attitude of a scoffer.
If we try to correct people who are stuck in a scoffing attitude, we will only get abuse and injury. You’ve seen people on social media getting into a word war, trying to convince someone that they are wrong. It does not work.
Let’s be wise and consider that we are really unwise. Let’s see opinion for what it is, recognize that everyone has one, and love people despite differing opinions. Our mission is not to correct what we consider ‘wrong’ opinions, but to love people, opinions and all.
Audrey Rogers