Proverbs 19
Daily Devotional from Proverbs 19—
Verse 20
Listen to advice and accept instruction, that you may gain wisdom in the future.
Notice that we are counseled in two different ways regarding advice and instruction. LISTEN to advice – that doesn’t mean take all advice you get. Advice is based on opinion. Another proverb says that wisdom is found in a “multitude” of counselors. It’s wise to get advice from several different perspectives, and then take it to the Lord and let him guide you in which way He would have you go. Not every answer works for every person, in every situation.
But when it comes to instruction, Solomon says to ACCEPT it. Instruction is different than advice. Instruction is teaching. We get instruction on how to do something we don’t already know how to do, or on how to become better at something.
As we listen to advice and instruction, and seek God for which to implement in our lives, we will grow in wisdom!
Audrey Rogers
Verse 20
Listen to advice and accept instruction, that you may gain wisdom in the future.
Notice that we are counseled in two different ways regarding advice and instruction. LISTEN to advice – that doesn’t mean take all advice you get. Advice is based on opinion. Another proverb says that wisdom is found in a “multitude” of counselors. It’s wise to get advice from several different perspectives, and then take it to the Lord and let him guide you in which way He would have you go. Not every answer works for every person, in every situation.
But when it comes to instruction, Solomon says to ACCEPT it. Instruction is different than advice. Instruction is teaching. We get instruction on how to do something we don’t already know how to do, or on how to become better at something.
As we listen to advice and instruction, and seek God for which to implement in our lives, we will grow in wisdom!
Audrey Rogers