Hebrews 13
Daily Devotional from Hebrews 13--
Verse 8
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
It is so comforting that Jesus never changes. He isn’t loving one day and angry the next. He is faithful to remain gentle and lowly, loving and compassionate, a King of Kings.
We can trust Jesus because he is the same yesterday, today and forever. We can count on him in peaceful times and turbulent times. In joy and in mourning. Jesus is constant. He will remain the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no matter what the world looks like around us.
That is something to rest our hearts on, the “basket to put all of our eggs in.” He will not fail us and he will always conquer sin and death, because he already has and he promises that he always will.
He is so so good.
Robin Miller