Psalm 129
Daily Devotional from Psalm 129—
Verses 1-2
Greatly have they afflicted me from my youth – let Israel now say – greatly have they afflicted me from my youth, yet they have not prevailed against me.
Suppose for a moment that the psalmist here wasn’t talking about human persecutors, but something internal. What if it was an addiction, or a negative ‘voice’, or a besetting sin that had afflicted him from his youth? Do you have something like that, which has just been a stumbling stone or a hindrance to you all your life long? Something that has held you back from being who you want to be, or doing what you feel called to do?
We all face challenges. But look how the verse ends: THEY HAVE NOT PREVAILED AGAINST ME. Declare that over your life today. If God is for you, who can be against you? If you’re still alive then God’s not done with you yet! They will not prevail against you – believe it!
Audrey Rogers
Verses 1-2
Greatly have they afflicted me from my youth – let Israel now say – greatly have they afflicted me from my youth, yet they have not prevailed against me.
Suppose for a moment that the psalmist here wasn’t talking about human persecutors, but something internal. What if it was an addiction, or a negative ‘voice’, or a besetting sin that had afflicted him from his youth? Do you have something like that, which has just been a stumbling stone or a hindrance to you all your life long? Something that has held you back from being who you want to be, or doing what you feel called to do?
We all face challenges. But look how the verse ends: THEY HAVE NOT PREVAILED AGAINST ME. Declare that over your life today. If God is for you, who can be against you? If you’re still alive then God’s not done with you yet! They will not prevail against you – believe it!
Audrey Rogers