
1 Peter 4

Daily Devotional from 1 Peter 4--

Verse 8
Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins.

Does this verse mean we should just overlook or hide or avoid confronting bad behavior just because we love someone?

The Bible guides us with life-giving principles. It doesn’t seem healthy to let someone continue down a destructive path just because we love them, so this verse must have a different interpretation. 

The focus of this verse is on love. 

This type of “covering” is an act of God’s “agape” love, where we can still love the sinner - not because of the way they behave, but in spite of the way they behave. Don’t be offended by people’s mistakes and give up on them as they are making their way along their Christian walk. Keep encouraging them to be better.

God is love!

Rick Bolesta
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