3 John
Daily Devotional from 3 John--
Verse 11a
Beloved, do not imitate evil but imitate good.
So many things that are good for us don’t necessarily come naturally. Many times, our default is to do what is unhealthy, bad for us, or just not right. In order to form good habits or make healthy choices, we have to do the work of re-wiring our brain. It takes time, effort, and intention. Eventually the good habits or healthy choices become natural and take less effort.
For most of us, imitating evil is second nature. It comes more naturally. But we are tasked with doing the work to rewire our brain to imitate what is good. It takes work, effort, and intention. This is not to save us or make us right with God—Jesus already did that—this is spiritual formation, discipleship, laying down our life to live in the resurrection of Christ.
What is one good thing you can begin working to imitate today?
Robin Miller