Revelation 12
Daily Devotional from Revelation 12--
Verse 10
Now the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of his Christ have come, for the accuser of our brothers has been thrown down, who accuses them day and night before God.
Do you know you have an accuser? That’s right. His name is the devil. And that’s what his name means – “Accuser.” You might not know it, but he stands before the throne of God, day and night, even at this moment, uttering the vilest accusations against you.
-He ain’t nothing.
-He’s a fraud and a hoax.
-She’ll never amount to anything.
-You wasted your blood on them.
-You’ll remember how he disobeyed you and didn’t stand up for your name.
-He’s a lazy bum.
-She doesn’t care about you.
-He’s a grace sucker.
-She only serves you 'cause you protect her, but remove your hand and she’ll curse you to your face.
Day and night. Night and day. You are being accused before the throne of God.
But one day…oh, one day—that accusing, lying spirit will be thrown down! Yes, Jesus will drop kick that old devil and powerslam him into oblivion. And no more will he accuse the brethren.
Can someone say, Hallelujah!
Demetrius Rogers