
Psalm 132

Daily Devotional from Psalm 132—

Verse 8
Arise, O Lord, and go to your resting place, you and the ark of your might.

In this song, the psalmist is referring to the physical dwelling place of God on earth – the temple built by David’s son Solomon, where God said His Presence, and the Ark of the Covenant, would dwell. The Israelites felt secure knowing that their God dwelt among them because they had seen Him miraculously deliver them from their enemies time and time again.

Today, God no longer dwells in a man-made building on earth – the NEW covenant includes the provision that He lives in the hearts of those who love Him. So we can still pray this prayer – Arise, O Lord, and go to your resting place…FILL THE HEARTS OF THOSE WHO LOVE YOU…you and the ark of your might…LET YOUR POWER AND YOUR PRESENCE BE IN THEM – IN US!

Let the power and presence of the living God dwell in, and flow out from you today and every day!

Audrey Rogers
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