Revelation 20
Daily Devotional from Revelation 20--
Verse 15
And if anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.
Reading through this chapter judgment may seem harsh. If we see it as harsh though we are missing the point. If you have truly repented and believed in Jesus your name is in the book of life. God has to remain true to who He is and that means that there must be a judgment for sin. There has to be consequences for evil, God will not turn a blind eye to what is wicked.
And the good news is that God paved the way for anyone that desires to have their name in the book of life. He is gracious and He desires everyone’s name in there. My Great Grandma was 92 when she got saved, what a testimony of God’s mercy and faithfulness. I’m glad that God is God and He is good, aren’t you?
Brendan League