1 Kings 14-15
Daily Devotionals from 1 King 15--
Verse 11
And Asa did what was right in the eyes of the Lord, as David his father had done.
In these chapters we see ruler after ruler turn away from God and towards the things of this world. But, in the middle, we see Asa, who wanted to serve the LORD and led the people to do so. Although he did his best, he still did not entirely eradicate the evil that existed in Judah.
Today, we see all kinds of brokenness. Many people are stepping out to do the right thing, but regardless, we still see all sorts of evil in our world. Sometimes the evil we see can weigh us down with hopelessness. But remember—we have GOOD NEWS to share; news that can bring hope to others in the midst of a broken world. It’s okay to want to see things set right and cry out to God, asking Him, “how long until all is made right?!?” But remember, others in our world that don’t have the hope Jesus brings are feeling that too, and they are crying out with no answer or comfort. We can share the light, peace, and hope that only comes through relationship with Him. In your daily life, set out to do what is right in the eyes of the Lord by following the great commission to “go and make disciples.”
Annika Sullenger
Verse 11
And Asa did what was right in the eyes of the Lord, as David his father had done.
In these chapters we see ruler after ruler turn away from God and towards the things of this world. But, in the middle, we see Asa, who wanted to serve the LORD and led the people to do so. Although he did his best, he still did not entirely eradicate the evil that existed in Judah.
Today, we see all kinds of brokenness. Many people are stepping out to do the right thing, but regardless, we still see all sorts of evil in our world. Sometimes the evil we see can weigh us down with hopelessness. But remember—we have GOOD NEWS to share; news that can bring hope to others in the midst of a broken world. It’s okay to want to see things set right and cry out to God, asking Him, “how long until all is made right?!?” But remember, others in our world that don’t have the hope Jesus brings are feeling that too, and they are crying out with no answer or comfort. We can share the light, peace, and hope that only comes through relationship with Him. In your daily life, set out to do what is right in the eyes of the Lord by following the great commission to “go and make disciples.”
Annika Sullenger