1 Chronicles 9-10
Daily Devotional from 1 Chronicles 9--
Verse 27
And [The Sons of Korah] lodged around the house of God, for on them lay the duty of watching, and they had charge of opening it every morning…
When the Israelites were allowed to return to Israel after the Exile, a specific clan of Levites was given the duty of guarding the Temple and leading in the preparation of the Sabbath. The Sons of Korah were essentially Israel’s worship leaders, some of them were even tasked to sing day and night (verse 33)! Many of the Psalms are actually written by them.
You and I have been given the same task as the Sons of Korah. If you are someone who has given your life over to Jesus, you are now the Temple of God (See 1 Corinthians 3:16). You have been given a gift to guard, safe keep, to use to help others know the one true God and to lead others into worship. Today, I want you to pray, asking God what areas in your life you would like to honor him more through being his temple. What can you guard against? How can you be used to lead others into worship of the one true God?
Robin Miller
Verse 27
And [The Sons of Korah] lodged around the house of God, for on them lay the duty of watching, and they had charge of opening it every morning…
When the Israelites were allowed to return to Israel after the Exile, a specific clan of Levites was given the duty of guarding the Temple and leading in the preparation of the Sabbath. The Sons of Korah were essentially Israel’s worship leaders, some of them were even tasked to sing day and night (verse 33)! Many of the Psalms are actually written by them.
You and I have been given the same task as the Sons of Korah. If you are someone who has given your life over to Jesus, you are now the Temple of God (See 1 Corinthians 3:16). You have been given a gift to guard, safe keep, to use to help others know the one true God and to lead others into worship. Today, I want you to pray, asking God what areas in your life you would like to honor him more through being his temple. What can you guard against? How can you be used to lead others into worship of the one true God?
Robin Miller