1 Chronicles 19-20
Daily Devotional from 1 Chronicles 19--
Verse 2a
And David said, “I will deal kindly with Hanun the son of Nahash, for his father dealt kindly with me.”
Nahash, the king of Ammon, showed kindness to David. So when Nahash died, David sent ambassadors to console his son and successor, Hanun, in his time of grief. But Hanun’s advisors sowed seeds of distrust in David’s pure motives. They convinced Hanun that David’s ambassadors were really spying out their land for military purposes. This eventually led to war between the nations.
This reminds me of Satan’s strategy of sowing seeds of distrust. In the Garden of Eden. Satan told Eve that God didn’t want her to eat the forbidden fruit because it would make her like God, and that she would not die (Genesis 3). Lies!
Has Satan ever sown seeds of distrust in your life? Caused you to doubt the goodness of God, or His love for you, or a promise He made? Remember, God’s motives are pure and Satan is the father of lies. Don’t fall for Satan’s traps!
Rick Bolesta
Verse 2a
And David said, “I will deal kindly with Hanun the son of Nahash, for his father dealt kindly with me.”
Nahash, the king of Ammon, showed kindness to David. So when Nahash died, David sent ambassadors to console his son and successor, Hanun, in his time of grief. But Hanun’s advisors sowed seeds of distrust in David’s pure motives. They convinced Hanun that David’s ambassadors were really spying out their land for military purposes. This eventually led to war between the nations.
This reminds me of Satan’s strategy of sowing seeds of distrust. In the Garden of Eden. Satan told Eve that God didn’t want her to eat the forbidden fruit because it would make her like God, and that she would not die (Genesis 3). Lies!
Has Satan ever sown seeds of distrust in your life? Caused you to doubt the goodness of God, or His love for you, or a promise He made? Remember, God’s motives are pure and Satan is the father of lies. Don’t fall for Satan’s traps!
Rick Bolesta