Job 28-30
Daily Devotional from Job 28--
Verse 28
And he said to man, ‘Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom, and to turn away from evil is understanding.’
King Solomon was known for his wisdom. When God offered to give him anything he wanted, he chose understanding and a discerning heart over riches and long life. Because of this good choice, God gave him a wise and discerning heart, plus what he didn’t ask for - riches and honor. (1 Kings 3:5-14)
There are many good ways to explain wisdom and understanding. One I like is offered by Job, found in our verse for today. To be wise is to fear the Lord.
The opposite of “wise” is “foolish.” You are foolish if you don’t treat the Creator God with reverence and awe.
If you are wise you will follow His guidance. You will learn to understand His ways. You will turn away from evil and follow His straight and narrow path - through Jesus - to everlasting life in heaven.
Choose wisdom and understanding each day!
Rick Bolesta
Verse 28
And he said to man, ‘Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom, and to turn away from evil is understanding.’
King Solomon was known for his wisdom. When God offered to give him anything he wanted, he chose understanding and a discerning heart over riches and long life. Because of this good choice, God gave him a wise and discerning heart, plus what he didn’t ask for - riches and honor. (1 Kings 3:5-14)
There are many good ways to explain wisdom and understanding. One I like is offered by Job, found in our verse for today. To be wise is to fear the Lord.
The opposite of “wise” is “foolish.” You are foolish if you don’t treat the Creator God with reverence and awe.
If you are wise you will follow His guidance. You will learn to understand His ways. You will turn away from evil and follow His straight and narrow path - through Jesus - to everlasting life in heaven.
Choose wisdom and understanding each day!
Rick Bolesta