Ezekiel 45-46
Daily Devotional from Ezekiel 45—
Verse 9b
Put away violence and oppression, and execute justice and righteousness.
“Justice” is a funny thing. Consider this example: one man wrongs his neighbor. The wronged neighbor takes the perpetrator to court. If “justice” is served, the wronged man would be made whole and the perpetrator would be punished in an appropriate manner that fit the crime. The wronged man got justice...
...but the perpetrator did not get grace.
And what if he was truly sorry for what he’d done, and wanted to make it right and be a better neighbor? Don’t we want to be merciful and trust that he really deserves grace?
Our God is a just God. But our Jesus is a gracious, merciful savior. We all deserve to get the short end of the justice stick. Yet I am so grateful that Jesus, through His perfect life, death, and resurrection, extends to me the hand of Grace. I’ll take grace over justice any day!
Audrey Rogers
Verse 9b
Put away violence and oppression, and execute justice and righteousness.
“Justice” is a funny thing. Consider this example: one man wrongs his neighbor. The wronged neighbor takes the perpetrator to court. If “justice” is served, the wronged man would be made whole and the perpetrator would be punished in an appropriate manner that fit the crime. The wronged man got justice...
...but the perpetrator did not get grace.
And what if he was truly sorry for what he’d done, and wanted to make it right and be a better neighbor? Don’t we want to be merciful and trust that he really deserves grace?
Our God is a just God. But our Jesus is a gracious, merciful savior. We all deserve to get the short end of the justice stick. Yet I am so grateful that Jesus, through His perfect life, death, and resurrection, extends to me the hand of Grace. I’ll take grace over justice any day!
Audrey Rogers